Personal Project - 'The Shackles'
This project came about while working out environment details with my RPG group (The Burning Wheel, not DND, for those who care). The goal is to create scenes from our campaign that are accurate to the world that the DM has built for us, from map to final image, as procedurally as possible - such that our DM could just draw / generate a new map, run it back through this tool, and generate new 3D versions of our cities to use for imagery.
This project is also intended to allow me to explore procedural environment generation with houdini as well as modular architecture design for proc. gen systems.
Generating Buildings from Map Vector and Projecting them onto a Landscape Height Field
Building Modular Medieval Architecture
This part is still very much a WIP - the kit is meant to emulate Half-Timber construction with Wattle and Daub infills. Additionally I wanted to capture the use of masonry foundations and jettied upper levels in the architecture. Later stages will also have to include chimneys and drainage.